
Profitable Ideas: 50 Ways to Save, The Essential Key to Improving Financial Literacy, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.

50 ways to save $500 this month (Huffington Post). Looking to gain some financial margin? You’re bound to find a money-saving idea or two that’ll work for you on this list.

Financial literacy: Just-in-time is the ticket (Morningstar). Important insights for those who want to teach their kids about money and become better at managing money with their spouse.

8 questions to answer about investing for retirement (Wall Street Journal). Put your investment knowledge to the test.

The dance between your present self and your future self (The Simple Dollar). Nice post on the importance of making decisions today with an eye on tomorrow.

Love stinks when it comes to saving money (CNBC). Why we tend to overspend when spending money on loved ones.

Don’t make important decisions late in the day (Harvard Business Review). Good advice for being more effective in our work.

Want to work less and have more time? (The Guardian). A British article that’s just as relevant for those of us on this side of the pond. The solution is simple, but not easy.

Turn your discarded cell phone into an asset (Bargaineering). A landfill is no place for a cell phone.

To ask questions or give feedback about any of the above articles, meet me in the comments section.

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