How Much Should I Spend?

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m a strong believer in the use of a budget.  Once you start tracking your income and expenses, the next logical question is how much should I spend on food, fun, and all the rest.  That’s why I developed detailed recommended spending guidelines for one-, two-, three-, and […]

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When Financial Protection May Cause Harm

I had to reread the first couple of paragraphs of the story to make sure I had read them correctly.  Sure enough, the Wall Street Journal article said that a surprisingly high 75 percent of people have opted in for overdraft protection coverage from their bank or credit union. In effect, such people have chosen […]

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Requiring Kids To Earn Their Allowance

When it comes to allowances, there are those who say you should just give kids some money since they’re part of the family. Others say they should earn it. Dave Briggs is in the earn it camp. “I do not believe just giving kids money prepares them for the real world,” he explained. “When you […]

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